Sunday, December 19, 2010

Celebrating Advent- The Amimal Kingdom

This past week, in our home, it has been all about celebrating the animal kingdom. Not a difficult task when you have two little animal mad girls around. 

Of particular interest to my girls at the moment are bumble bees. We seem to have millions of them, many, many more than I have seen in past years. Holly adores them. She is not in the slightest bit scared of them, sticking her nose right up to them to get a better look. Every day when we pass through our front gate, we have to stop to see how many bumble bees are on our lavender bush. We discuss how bumble bees are pollinators and how they help to pollinate many of the food crops we eat. 

The birds have also been playing a part in our week. We have been making sure each morning we put out some bread scraps for them, then the girls like to peak out the window and watch as the birds slowly make a appearance on our front lawn. First one, then two and soon there are many, many birds wanting their share of the bread. Sparrows, blackbirds and the odd seagull all visit our garden to share in this little feast my girls leave them.  I think this is Isla's favorite part of breakfast at the moment, she literally bounces with excitement as she watches the birds appearing.

It is a lovely time of year to stop and reflect on the animals that share this earth with us. Because without them, life for us humans would be drastically different. They provide us with so much of our food. Either directly like cows, sheep and chickens or indirectly like the humble old bumble bee. They provide us transport, with protection and most of all with companionship.

Happy Advent. 

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